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Can You Use A Patio Heater In A Garage


Patio heaters are an excellent way to heat small areas. They’re popularly, as the name suggests, for patio spaces. However, there is also a non-climate controlled portion of your house that you want to use it in. Yes, we’re referring to the garage. Can you use a patio heater in a garage safely We’ll explain if you can and why you can/cannot. We will also detail how to do so safely if you’re set on using a patio heater for your garage.

Many homeowners have a gym or entertainment area in their garage. However, when it’s cold outside, your garage might feel chilly. That’s why you might want to drag your patio heater into the garage. Let’s walk through why this might not be a good idea.

Can You Use A Patio Heater In A Garage

First things first, we do not recommend using a patio heater in a garage. There are several reasons why this is never a safe idea. However, if you’re careful, you can certainly get away with using a patio heater in your garage.

Whenever we break down questions like these there’s always two answers. First, whether or not the question is a great idea. Then there’s the answer of how to do it as safe as possible if you’re going to do it anyway.

Why Is A Patio Heater In A Garage Dangerous

Here are a few reasons why no one would tell you to use a patio heater in your garage. Even if these conditions don’t exist, be extremely careful.

For starters, most patio heaters emit carbon monoxide during the process of combustion. Therefore, if you plan to close your garage door for any reason, an active patio heater immediately creates danger. Perhaps you plan on keeping your garage open and doing some work. There are still many more reasons why this isn’t the best way to heat your garage.

active patio heater showing can you use a patio heater in a garage as yes but with certain precautions

Patio heaters do not fare well with low ceilings. If your garage has ceilings or a few feet above your patio heater’s height, you can burn through or discolor your garage ceiling. Yes, a traditional mosaic propane patio heater pushes heat down and out. However, heat has a tendency to rise and the top of your patio heater will become hot.

Patio heaters can cause a fire when in contact with flammable materials. If you spend a lot of time in your garage, you likely have some of these materials lying around. It’s a good idea to keep these items far away from heaters and ideally not in a confined space.

What’s A Better Way To Heat Your Garage

Just because you can’t use a patio heater doesn’t mean you’re completely out of luck. Here is our favorite way to heat your garage without causing yourself as much danger.

The best way to heat your garage is via a space heater. These are electrically sourced and intended for indoor usage. We use the AEscod Space Heater in our garages.

AEscod Space Heater, 1500W Electric Heater with 90° Adjustable Angle, Overheat Protection, Heater for Garage Office Indoor Use
  • Space Heater: The portable heater has 3 modes to choose from high heat, low heat, and natural wind, just turn the switch to your desired heat setting and enjoy comfortable heat.
  • Space Heater: 3 modes to choose from – High Heat (1500w) / Low Heat (750w) / Natural Wind. Just turn the switch to your desired heat setting and enjoy comfortable heat.

It’s circular design lets you point it in the direction you want to heat. There’s also 3 different heat levels so you don’t overheat your garage.

How To Use Precaution With A Patio Heater Inside A Garage

Sometimes as an adult, being told not to do something makes you want to do it more. If you don’t want to spend the money on a space heater and are set on using a patio heater in your garage, use precaution.

Make sure to avoid setting the patio heater near anything. This includes anything on the ground nearby as well as the ceiling or garage door/walls. Next, remove anything that might even be relatively flammable. A few fire-friendly things you might find around garage include gasoline and paint. Finally, keep air circulating in and out whether that be by opening windows or lifting the garage door.

Can You Use A Patio Heater In A Garage Summary

While you can certainly get away with using a patio heater in your garage, we’d never recommend it. There are better ways to heat your garage such as an electric space heater. Additionally, using a patio heater indoors is inevitably dangerous. Patio heaters produce carbon monoxide and pose a ceiling burning threat. Not to mention they are an overall fire hazard.

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